
Crew Auckland is the directory for all film crew available for work in our region and the companies that supply the industry.

Kia Ora!

We are the safe and effective way for productions to find the crew they need and for crew and companies to list their experience and contact details.

Crew are only listed in categories in which they have professional experience. All the companies we feature have a proven record in the film industry.

Use the menu on the left to find who you need.  There is a CV and secure email form on every page.

If you want to list with Crew Auckland mail us direct at info@crewauckland.co.nz. If it's really urgent, call us on 021 2524223.

For crew that have Agent: Filmcrews next to their name, bookings can be made for them by emailing mail@filmcrews.co.nz

Love your work,

Graeme, Sioux, Buddy and Jess.




Crew Auckland is the directory for all film crew available for work in our region and the companies that supply the industry.

Kia Ora!

We are the safe and effective way for productions to find the crew they need and for crew and companies to list their experience and contact details.

Crew are only listed in categories in which they have professional experience. All the companies we feature have a proven record in the film industry.

Use the menu on the left to find who you need.  There is a CV and secure email form on every page.

If you want to list with Crew Auckland mail us direct at info@crewauckland.co.nz. If it's really urgent, call us on 021 2524223.

For crew that have Agent: Filmcrews next to their name, bookings can be made for them by emailing mail@filmcrews.co.nz

Love your work,

Graeme, Sioux, Buddy and Jess.